PUBLISHER: Casa Cielo Press, 9/2015
GENRE: Historical Fiction
SETTING: Bahamas, 1715-1719

FROM PUBLISHER: Loreley Jones, daughter of the governor of the British Colony of Antigua, is orphaned when a hurricane sinks the ship taking her and her family from London to the Caribbean. After washing up on the shores of the Pirate's Republic of Nassau, she is sold into slavery and her virginity is auctioned off. The highest bidder is the notoriously sadistic Gideon Graves, captain of the pirate ship Jezebel, who holds Loreley against her will and repeatedly assaults her, until she is rescued by the Jezebel's quartermaster, Sebastian MacIssac.

Sebastian promises Loreley freedom, but only if she disguises herself as a man and works off the cost of her passage aboard the Jezebel. She soon discovers, however, that the freedom she finds at sea is more attractive than the gilded cage of her former life, and even death can't keep her from fulfilling her destiny.

MY THOUGHTS: The beginning of this story was reminiscent of a 'bodice ripper' but it only lasted for about the first third of the book, unfortunately. Loreley was almost sixteen (born 10/1699) when the story began and nineteen when it ended. I didn't like or dislike her, which is a strange way to feel for a main character.

I like for there to be bad characters in fiction, even romance, so I liked Gideon and wish he could have lasted throughout the entire story. He'd have definitely made the story more interesting. We got zero background information on him. Once he was out of the picture the story changed drastically and became boring and slightly mundane. Loreley became a crew member and Sebastian's lover. That about sums it up.

Twenty-seven year old Sebastian was very boring. He was uninteresting to me and I didn't care a thing for him or about him. He was generally a nice guy but once he told Loreley that if she left, after saving up enough money, and went back to England no man would want her because she wasn't a virgin. He was being selfish, saying anything to make her stay with him on the ship. That comment was out of character for him. No background info on him either.

I think the two main characters were pretty emotionless and the story left me feeling that way too. The synopsis made this sound much better than it actually was.

I received this from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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